The Mile High Young Professionals Intramural Sports leagues are a great way for YPs in Denver to get out and get active and network in a whole new way.  If you love to play sports and are a dedicated business professional, then our intramural teams are for you!

We invite all of our members to join a team.  If you are interested in playing or being a team captain, please contact our Sports Committee Chair, Tom Gillin at

We are always running sports leauges throughout the year. Some of the leauges inclued:



Cup-in-Hand Kickball



*Most MHYP Leauges are played through Volo Denver. Please reach out to get our exclusive MHYP/Volo Discount Code.

Not a member yet?  Join anytime on our website and get out on the field!

Upcoming Events

  • New Member Orientation
    Come Learn More About MHYP
    February 11, 2025 – 5:45pm
    Same Location As This Months Social
  • February Social
    Come Network with MHYP at the Salt Water Social
    February 11, 2025 – 6:00pm
    Salt Water Social – Map
  • Project C.U.R.E.
    Come Volunteer with MHYP
    February 15, 2025 – 9:30am
    Project C.U.R.E. International Headquarters – Map
More Events »
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