MHYP has been monitoring the coverage and guidance from public health and elected officials, as COVID-19 continues to spread within Colorado. To protect the health of high-risk individuals and help flatten the curve, MHYP will be canceling all in-person events through April 30, 2020. We will be reviewing this decision every two weeks and will keep our community apprised of any updates as the situation develops. We love hosting events that bring YPs together, which is why this has been a difficult decision to make.
As the premier young professionals organization of Denver, we also believe this is an opportunity to set an example by practicing social distancing. Let's encourage our peers to be kind and considerate to those who may be impacted by the spreading illness.
"Please don't let your immortality force someone else to confront their mortality". - Brandon Borrman via Twitter, presumed to have COVID-19
In addition to practicing good hygiene and social distancing, we also want to do our part to promote a greater sense of community during these tenuous times. Here are some suggestions of ways you can have a positive influence:
As always, thank you for supporting Mile High Young Professionals and our efforts to help protect the health of our fellow Coloradans.
Stay healthy, friends!