February Social

Come Network with MHYP at the Salt Water Social


February 11, 2025
6:00pm to 8:00pm

Salt Water Social
201 Columbine St
Denver , CO 80206

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February Social


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Our social events provide an opportunity to network with Denver's finest Young Professionals in a relaxed, professional environment. So come with an open mind, dress like you do at work, and be prepared to learn about the other professionals in the room. We work with people we like, so be prepared to foster some new business friendships! There are no membership or age requirements for MHYP socials, everyone is welcome to come network and learn more about MHYP.

This month, anyone who works in the Recruiting & Human Resources industry will get free entry into our social. If you know anyone who works in this industry, let them know and bring them along!

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February Social

Upcoming Events

  • New Member Orientation
    Come Learn More About MHYP
    February 11, 2025 – 5:45pm
    Same Location As This Months Social
  • February Social
    Come Network with MHYP at the Salt Water Social
    February 11, 2025 – 6:00pm
    Salt Water Social – Map
  • Project C.U.R.E.
    Come Volunteer with MHYP
    February 15, 2025 – 9:30am
    Project C.U.R.E. International Headquarters – Map
More Events »
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